On July 4, 2011, my Dad, "Herbie "P and now "St. Pompeii" Pilato (who passed away on April 6, 1995), would have turned 100 years old.
Today, November 4, 2011, my Mom, "Frances Mary Turri" and now "St. Frances of Turri" (who passed away on May 5, 2008), would have been 90-years-old.
I celebrate the continued and joyful lives that I know they are now living in Heaven, knowing they are closer to me today then they ever were on Earth - and that they are now enjoying an eternally healthy, happy and youthful appearance of 30-years-old.
May all of YOUR hours today - and every day - be filled with as much Love and eternal youth!
My parents, shortly after they married...in 1953

Frances Mary Turri and Herbert Pompeii Pilato, in 1953, shortly after they married.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
"Mamma" by Mary Tomassetti
I share with you today an essay written by the Mother of very dear friends of mine. Her name, Mary Tomassetti, of Rochester, New York, originally of Genoa, Italy (also known as Genova).
My own dear Mother, Frances Turri Pilato, had introduced me to Mrs. Tomassetti years ago, in the 1960s, on a plane ride from Rochester to Miami. Our two families were united there, by yet another great Mom, my aunt, Rita Tacci, the distinguished teacher of Rochester who gracefully guided what would become many great minds of the area.
I remember clearly my Mother turning to me (then only 8-years-old) on the plane, and saying of Mrs. Tomassetti, "She speaks seven languages."
Upon relaying this story to Mrs. Tomassetti decades later, she laughed and with the sweetest modesty, corrected me and said, "Only four."
As Mother's Day will be soon upon us, and in honor of Mrs. Tomassetti, or as she prefers to be called, "Mamma T," my dear Aunt Rita (who passed away in 1985), and of course my own outstanding Mother, who I lovingly recall as "St. Frances of Turri" (and who now abides in Heaven with my Dad, "St. Pompeii"), I share with you a beautiful essay that "Mamma T" composed about the beauty and essence of Motherhood, simply titled, "Mamma."
Embrace and Enjoy....
Herbie J
"Mamma" by Mary Tomassetti
"It is a universal day each year to honor Mother. We used to say in a well known proverb: 'Who loves you more than your Mother deceives you.' It is very true. The true Mother is a special thing to remember every day, every hour, every moment of our life. For it is only to her who we can soley be greateful for the joy of life.
"A Mother can exchange the infinite Love for her children. Even in the extraordinary or the most trying situation, she is always close and understanding. Even in dealing with unpleasant truths, the Mother, with much dignity and sincerity, disciplines and redirects her children along the right paths. The Mother knows everything by intuition and is always loyal to her loved ones - her family. She loves and adores her husband and children more than anything or anyone else in the world. Children are the fruit of her marriage, and it gives her joy to be a Mother.
"Even if she does not know how to express this sentiment, it comes from the heart. She is always close to her children even before their birth. Who can undestand the pain and suffering a Mother experiences during her labor partum for her children? No one can answer that. It is a Mother who can dry the tears from the eyes and comfort a child from birth through infancy.
"She illuminates the world with her immense Love. As the years pass by, she inspires and helps develop the strength, character, and morals of her children. Her smile demonstrates the importance and pride her family holds within her.
"'Mamma'is the name newborn babies utter as soon as they learn to talk. The oceans and stormy lakes sing, the winds whisper, and even 'la terra' implores, 'Mamma, Mamma!' When our last moments on Earth arrive, we will also implore, 'Mamma!'"
"'Oh, Mamma mia" is a typical Italian expression used both universally and indiscriminately. The name 'Mamma' is a solid name...marvelous, inspiring, grandiose, powerful. 'Mamma' is a definition of great Love, generosity, integrity and solemnity.
"A Mother can be symbolized by the Virgin Mary, by a Nation, one who can protect her children in good times and in bad.
"On this special day, even the Mother who has deceased recently or long ago remembers and shines from the Heavens upon her children. These Mothers who are no longer with us will always remain close to their children's hearts. A Mother is remembered as she who gives life, eliminates trouble from her child's life, and never betrays them.
"A Mother is the one who often goes unrecognized and does the impossible for her children and without a response of gratitude.
"'Mamma' means Love, dedication and sacrifice without limits. The genuine Mother knows how to survive silently, give totally of herself, and not expect the same in return.
"This means 'Mamma.'"
My own dear Mother, Frances Turri Pilato, had introduced me to Mrs. Tomassetti years ago, in the 1960s, on a plane ride from Rochester to Miami. Our two families were united there, by yet another great Mom, my aunt, Rita Tacci, the distinguished teacher of Rochester who gracefully guided what would become many great minds of the area.
I remember clearly my Mother turning to me (then only 8-years-old) on the plane, and saying of Mrs. Tomassetti, "She speaks seven languages."
Upon relaying this story to Mrs. Tomassetti decades later, she laughed and with the sweetest modesty, corrected me and said, "Only four."
As Mother's Day will be soon upon us, and in honor of Mrs. Tomassetti, or as she prefers to be called, "Mamma T," my dear Aunt Rita (who passed away in 1985), and of course my own outstanding Mother, who I lovingly recall as "St. Frances of Turri" (and who now abides in Heaven with my Dad, "St. Pompeii"), I share with you a beautiful essay that "Mamma T" composed about the beauty and essence of Motherhood, simply titled, "Mamma."
Embrace and Enjoy....
Herbie J
"Mamma" by Mary Tomassetti
"It is a universal day each year to honor Mother. We used to say in a well known proverb: 'Who loves you more than your Mother deceives you.' It is very true. The true Mother is a special thing to remember every day, every hour, every moment of our life. For it is only to her who we can soley be greateful for the joy of life.
"A Mother can exchange the infinite Love for her children. Even in the extraordinary or the most trying situation, she is always close and understanding. Even in dealing with unpleasant truths, the Mother, with much dignity and sincerity, disciplines and redirects her children along the right paths. The Mother knows everything by intuition and is always loyal to her loved ones - her family. She loves and adores her husband and children more than anything or anyone else in the world. Children are the fruit of her marriage, and it gives her joy to be a Mother.
"Even if she does not know how to express this sentiment, it comes from the heart. She is always close to her children even before their birth. Who can undestand the pain and suffering a Mother experiences during her labor partum for her children? No one can answer that. It is a Mother who can dry the tears from the eyes and comfort a child from birth through infancy.
"She illuminates the world with her immense Love. As the years pass by, she inspires and helps develop the strength, character, and morals of her children. Her smile demonstrates the importance and pride her family holds within her.
"'Oh, Mamma mia" is a typical Italian expression used both universally and indiscriminately. The name 'Mamma' is a solid name...marvelous, inspiring, grandiose, powerful. 'Mamma' is a definition of great Love, generosity, integrity and solemnity.
"A Mother can be symbolized by the Virgin Mary, by a Nation, one who can protect her children in good times and in bad.
"On this special day, even the Mother who has deceased recently or long ago remembers and shines from the Heavens upon her children. These Mothers who are no longer with us will always remain close to their children's hearts. A Mother is remembered as she who gives life, eliminates trouble from her child's life, and never betrays them.
"A Mother is the one who often goes unrecognized and does the impossible for her children and without a response of gratitude.
"'Mamma' means Love, dedication and sacrifice without limits. The genuine Mother knows how to survive silently, give totally of herself, and not expect the same in return.
"This means 'Mamma.'"
Monday, March 7, 2011
A Mere Seven Dollars Changed My Mother's Life
As many of you are well-aware, my Father died of lung cancer on April 6th, 1995, and my Mother succumbed to various ills on May 5th, 2008.
After my Dad left this world, it was rough road for my Mom. They were very close, and she was very dependent on him (as she didn't drive, etc.) So I tried to do the best I could for her, even once attempting to move her to LA with me (to disastrous results).
But once she was settled back in Rochester, New York she became a member of the Pinegrove Senior Center in the suburb or Irondequoit, New York. And every Monday through Friday, from June 1999 to nearly the day she died, my Mom enjoyed that Senior Center.
In all, it cost her about $6.00 a day - a price that included lunch and service for the van (that picked her up and drove her home).
So, thirty bucks a week for a senior's regular activities wasn't bad at all.
In addition to enjoying a nice daily lunch at that simple-treasured Senior Center, my Mom also played cards, went on picnics, and played bingo. She especially loved the bingo. A whole lot.
I never realized how much really.
Until, one day, when I started giving her "extra" quarters with which to play the game.
Not a lot of quarters. Just seven dollars worth.
Not ten.
Not nine.
Just seven.
Every other day, I walked into her apartment, and interrupted her daily viewing of Seinfeld or The Golden Girls, walked over to her, kissed her, and asked her to open up her hand.
At that moment, I poured out the seven dollars in quarters.
As I did this, her reaction was one of astonishment. She looked as if she won the lottery or the mega-jackpot in Vegas.
"Oh, Herbie J," she'd say with so much joy, "...what a great son you are! I have to pay you back! I have to pay you back!!"
"Ma," I would reply, "You just go have fun at the Center."
And she did, all the more...with that mere extra seven dollars.
Not a million.
Not a thousand.
Not nine.
And not ten.
Just seven.
After my Dad left this world, it was rough road for my Mom. They were very close, and she was very dependent on him (as she didn't drive, etc.) So I tried to do the best I could for her, even once attempting to move her to LA with me (to disastrous results).
But once she was settled back in Rochester, New York she became a member of the Pinegrove Senior Center in the suburb or Irondequoit, New York. And every Monday through Friday, from June 1999 to nearly the day she died, my Mom enjoyed that Senior Center.
In all, it cost her about $6.00 a day - a price that included lunch and service for the van (that picked her up and drove her home).
So, thirty bucks a week for a senior's regular activities wasn't bad at all.
In addition to enjoying a nice daily lunch at that simple-treasured Senior Center, my Mom also played cards, went on picnics, and played bingo. She especially loved the bingo. A whole lot.
I never realized how much really.
Until, one day, when I started giving her "extra" quarters with which to play the game.
Not a lot of quarters. Just seven dollars worth.
Not ten.
Not nine.
Just seven.
Every other day, I walked into her apartment, and interrupted her daily viewing of Seinfeld or The Golden Girls, walked over to her, kissed her, and asked her to open up her hand.
At that moment, I poured out the seven dollars in quarters.
As I did this, her reaction was one of astonishment. She looked as if she won the lottery or the mega-jackpot in Vegas.
"Oh, Herbie J," she'd say with so much joy, "...what a great son you are! I have to pay you back! I have to pay you back!!"
"Ma," I would reply, "You just go have fun at the Center."
And she did, all the more...with that mere extra seven dollars.
Not a million.
Not a thousand.
Not nine.
And not ten.
Just seven.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Pear Story
I decided to take a walk this morning.
Like I do most mornings.
But this morning, I also decided to pack for my walk.
To "fanny pack". More specifically, to "wear" a fanny pack.
You know...one of those "belt thingy" packs that people used to wrap around their waists in the '80s. (Or was it in the '90s?)
Anyway, as I prepared for my walk, I began to fill my fanny-pack
Since I was planning on walking to St. Coleman's Church in Pompano Beach, I thought first to include my rosary beads (which once belonged to my Mom, God bless her) and my prayer to St. Joseph (for new and continued employment).
Also stuffed in the "pack": My keys, Tic-Tacs, sun-glasses, reading-glasses, aloe-vera vitamin sunscreen and balm, a pen and little notebook, my cell-phone, a $5.00 bill...and a pear.
Just in case I got hungry.
And soon, I was off.
The path from Harbor Drive where I live to St. Coleman's is busy and great. Pretty and yet traffic-mangled.
But nonetheless, I moved forward.
That is, until a homeless man who passed by me with a cordial greeting of "Good Morning!"
I kept walking, and then suddenly stopped. And thought of giving him my pear...my $5.00 bill...and even my Tic-Tacs.
"But what if I get hungry?...For a pear or a Tic-Tac?...Or if I want to buy a bottle of water or another snack?
All of that, of course, would be taken care of when I returned to my home.
That was the point. I had a home to go to, filled with food and shelter.
The home-LESS man did not.
So, I called out to him, "Hey...Bro...would you like this pear? And how 'bout these Tic-Tacs? And here's a little bit money, too. It's just $5.00...but it should help a little bit for you today."
"Thank you, Sir," the man replied.
And I continued on my way...to St. Coleman's...to pray...in gratitude...for all of the blessings that I have. Knowing that it's the little things in life that mean the most.
I didn't change that man's life forever. But at least I did for a morning...and maybe the whole afternoon.
Either way, whether in some large or small way, I just knew...in my heart...that when we take care of others...God will take care of us.
Like I do most mornings.
But this morning, I also decided to pack for my walk.
To "fanny pack". More specifically, to "wear" a fanny pack.
You know...one of those "belt thingy" packs that people used to wrap around their waists in the '80s. (Or was it in the '90s?)
Anyway, as I prepared for my walk, I began to fill my fanny-pack
Since I was planning on walking to St. Coleman's Church in Pompano Beach, I thought first to include my rosary beads (which once belonged to my Mom, God bless her) and my prayer to St. Joseph (for new and continued employment).
Also stuffed in the "pack": My keys, Tic-Tacs, sun-glasses, reading-glasses, aloe-vera vitamin sunscreen and balm, a pen and little notebook, my cell-phone, a $5.00 bill...and a pear.
Just in case I got hungry.
And soon, I was off.
The path from Harbor Drive where I live to St. Coleman's is busy and great. Pretty and yet traffic-mangled.
But nonetheless, I moved forward.
That is, until a homeless man who passed by me with a cordial greeting of "Good Morning!"
I kept walking, and then suddenly stopped. And thought of giving him my pear...my $5.00 bill...and even my Tic-Tacs.
"But what if I get hungry?...For a pear or a Tic-Tac?...Or if I want to buy a bottle of water or another snack?
All of that, of course, would be taken care of when I returned to my home.
That was the point. I had a home to go to, filled with food and shelter.
The home-LESS man did not.
So, I called out to him, "Hey...Bro...would you like this pear? And how 'bout these Tic-Tacs? And here's a little bit money, too. It's just $5.00...but it should help a little bit for you today."
"Thank you, Sir," the man replied.
And I continued on my way...to St. Coleman's...to pray...in gratitude...for all of the blessings that I have. Knowing that it's the little things in life that mean the most.
I didn't change that man's life forever. But at least I did for a morning...and maybe the whole afternoon.
Either way, whether in some large or small way, I just knew...in my heart...that when we take care of others...God will take care of us.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
How To Distinguish Between "Good" And "Evil"
How do we distinguish between "good" and "evil"?
Good=knowing we are all brothers and sisters of every nation.
Evil=thinking your nation, your beliefs, your heritage, your culture, and your religion is better than others.
Good=knowing we are all brothers and sisters of every nation.
Evil=thinking your nation, your beliefs, your heritage, your culture, and your religion is better than others.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Random Thoughts For Monday Morning
Ok, so you've made some mistakes, and pissed a few people off! Oh, no!! You think you're the ONLY person who has made mistakes or pissed anyone off? Don't think you that the person with whom you've made the mistake or pissed off...don't you think that PERSON has made mistakes and pissed SOMEBODY ELSE off? So, come on...cut yourself some slack. Just be careful next time - and meanwhile, don't let anyone make you feel like you're the only one who's made a mistake or pissed anyone off...especially don't let the person who you pissed off and/or with whom you made the mistake make you feel that way.
Think of the most important business contact that you have...and think about how much money that person will bring you and/or your company in the coming year, if all negotiations go as you plan. Think about how you nearly trip over yourself to talk with that person...to make sure you say everything ri...ght...and how happy and "smiley face" you are with that person, whether you're talking to them in person or on the phone. Well, that's how you should talk with EVERYBODY in your life. You should be THAT enthuised...THAT happy...THAT excited...THAT willing to not only share your joy...but to appreciate whatever great and good thing ANYONE can bring into your life...especially if it has NOTHING to do with you making any money from it.
I am not impressed with money, beauty, or intellectual or business savvy. Show me your heart, your courage, your massive margin of error for others, your ability to not constantly talk about yourself...show me all of these things...and more of such loving-kindness...and I'm yours forever. Your wish is my command.
Worth Repeating: Kindness trumps talent. I'd rather work with, hire or cast someone with less talent and a kind and gentle personality, then someone with superior talent, who is mean-spirited, hurtful, sarcastic, self-centered, self-absorbed and selfish.
Ok, so you've made some mistakes, and pissed a few people off! Oh, no!! You think you're the ONLY person who has made mistakes or pissed anyone off? Don't think you that the person with whom you've made the mistake or pissed off...don't you think that PERSON has made mistakes and pissed SOMEBODY ELSE off? So, come on...cut yourself some slack. Just be careful next time - and meanwhile, don't let anyone make you feel like you're the only one who's made a mistake or pissed anyone off...especially don't let the person who you pissed off and/or with whom you made the mistake make you feel that way.
Think of the most important business contact that you have...and think about how much money that person will bring you and/or your company in the coming year, if all negotiations go as you plan. Think about how you nearly trip over yourself to talk with that person...to make sure you say everything ri...ght...and how happy and "smiley face" you are with that person, whether you're talking to them in person or on the phone. Well, that's how you should talk with EVERYBODY in your life. You should be THAT enthuised...THAT happy...THAT excited...THAT willing to not only share your joy...but to appreciate whatever great and good thing ANYONE can bring into your life...especially if it has NOTHING to do with you making any money from it.
I am not impressed with money, beauty, or intellectual or business savvy. Show me your heart, your courage, your massive margin of error for others, your ability to not constantly talk about yourself...show me all of these things...and more of such loving-kindness...and I'm yours forever. Your wish is my command.
Worth Repeating: Kindness trumps talent. I'd rather work with, hire or cast someone with less talent and a kind and gentle personality, then someone with superior talent, who is mean-spirited, hurtful, sarcastic, self-centered, self-absorbed and selfish.
Points of Light For Today
Do you really think the God of Heaven cares whether or not you have a Mercedes?
Certainly, it is good to have nice things, and there's nothing wrong with having nice things (as long as you don't think having nice things make you superior to others who do not have nice things).
But the God of Heaven has other things to think about than answering your prayers to have a nice car or to make sure your next business deal goes through?
All the God of Heaven cares about is LOVE.
That's it.
Nothing else.
If somehow you are or feel more Loving, because you have a nice car, or a good job, or because a business deal went through, that's wonderful.
But it wasn't the God of Heaven who answered those particular prayers.
Not unless you plan on giving that Mercedes away to someone else.
Does anybody anymore really just buy anything just have it and enjoy it?!
Does EVERYTHING have to be an "investment"?
Can't we just buy a house or a car and just embrace it for what it is - in the moment?
Do our homes and vehichles HAVE to give us a "return investment" - one that we "trade in" on in only a few years?
In days gone... by, people actually purchased homes and cars, long term, to enjoy them...over a lifetime.
Maybe not so much with cars, but houses for sure. Let's stop the insanity, ok?
So, just buy your house, or your condo, or even sign a long-term lease on a beautiful apartment home...and ENJOY it - TODAY...and stop thinking about what kind of "return investment" you can or will make on it in the future.
Do you really think the God of Heaven cares whether or not you have a Mercedes?
Certainly, it is good to have nice things, and there's nothing wrong with having nice things (as long as you don't think having nice things make you superior to others who do not have nice things).
But the God of Heaven has other things to think about than answering your prayers to have a nice car or to make sure your next business deal goes through?
All the God of Heaven cares about is LOVE.
That's it.
Nothing else.
If somehow you are or feel more Loving, because you have a nice car, or a good job, or because a business deal went through, that's wonderful.
But it wasn't the God of Heaven who answered those particular prayers.
Not unless you plan on giving that Mercedes away to someone else.
Does anybody anymore really just buy anything just have it and enjoy it?!
Does EVERYTHING have to be an "investment"?
Can't we just buy a house or a car and just embrace it for what it is - in the moment?
Do our homes and vehichles HAVE to give us a "return investment" - one that we "trade in" on in only a few years?
In days gone... by, people actually purchased homes and cars, long term, to enjoy them...over a lifetime.
Maybe not so much with cars, but houses for sure. Let's stop the insanity, ok?
So, just buy your house, or your condo, or even sign a long-term lease on a beautiful apartment home...and ENJOY it - TODAY...and stop thinking about what kind of "return investment" you can or will make on it in the future.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Beautiful little Christina-Taylor Green, born on 9/11 and who was shot during a devastating political incident? The wonderfully kind and gentle Touched By An Angel actor John Dye, with an ironic last name and character title of "Angel of Death," passing away much too early of a heart attack at only age 47?
SOMETHING is going on, Everyone.
These beautiful souls came into this world and left it in such ways as a message for the rest of us. There are NO coincidences.
SOMETHING is going on.
We need to listen to and observe these signs. Because they ARE signs...signs that, if anything, the Universe IS indeed trying to let us know that He/She/It is in communication with us.
SOMETHING is going on, Everyone.
These beautiful souls came into this world and left it in such ways as a message for the rest of us. There are NO coincidences.
SOMETHING is going on.
We need to listen to and observe these signs. Because they ARE signs...signs that, if anything, the Universe IS indeed trying to let us know that He/She/It is in communication with us.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The Power of Words
The Bible says, "By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned" (Matt. 12: 37); "Death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Prov. 12: 21); And "Thou shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee" (Job 22: 28).
Charles Fillmore, cofounder of Unity, wrote: "The spoken word carries vibrations through the Universe ether, and also moves the intelligence inherent in every form, animate or inanimate."
Ernest Holmes, founder of the Church of Religious Science, has written: "The word gives form to the unformed. The greater the consciousness behind the word, the more power it will have. Just words, without conviction, have no power, and just conviction, without words, will never stir up latent energy. There must be a combination of the two to make a complete thing."
The Tibetan master D.K., through Alice A. Bailey, has said: "Every Word differentiated or synthesized, affects the deva kingdom, and hence the form-building aspects of manifestation. No sound is ever made without producing a corresponding response in deva substance."
As author John Randolph Price writes in his wonderful book, THE ANGELS WITHIN US, "From these resources it should be obvious why the masters of the early academies taught the aspirants to be aware of the consequences of words on the mental, emotional, etheric, and physical planes. They were schooled in the Power of sound and how words spoken with a controlled mind could literally change the force field around any form, including the belief system of the personality, and free the imprisoned spiritual consciousness."
As Price continues to write in ANGELS, he began to use the old Oriental standard to gauge the value of speech: Is it true? It is kind? It is needful? The result of this brief survey, Price discovered, was that only a few of his remarks passed the three tests. And that he admitted that when monitoring his own words, he missed the mark several times, even though he was consciously trying to measure the quality of what he was saying. "We are all walking around with a loaded gun between our teeth," he revealed, "and our tongues seem to love to pull the trigger."
"Remember," he concluded, "we are either healing or harming" with our words, spoken or written. "There is no in-between, so even in our humor we should practice harmlessness. Let's be builders of the new world through constructive words and creators of harmony with loving words."
Charles Fillmore, cofounder of Unity, wrote: "The spoken word carries vibrations through the Universe ether, and also moves the intelligence inherent in every form, animate or inanimate."
Ernest Holmes, founder of the Church of Religious Science, has written: "The word gives form to the unformed. The greater the consciousness behind the word, the more power it will have. Just words, without conviction, have no power, and just conviction, without words, will never stir up latent energy. There must be a combination of the two to make a complete thing."
The Tibetan master D.K., through Alice A. Bailey, has said: "Every Word differentiated or synthesized, affects the deva kingdom, and hence the form-building aspects of manifestation. No sound is ever made without producing a corresponding response in deva substance."
As author John Randolph Price writes in his wonderful book, THE ANGELS WITHIN US, "From these resources it should be obvious why the masters of the early academies taught the aspirants to be aware of the consequences of words on the mental, emotional, etheric, and physical planes. They were schooled in the Power of sound and how words spoken with a controlled mind could literally change the force field around any form, including the belief system of the personality, and free the imprisoned spiritual consciousness."
As Price continues to write in ANGELS, he began to use the old Oriental standard to gauge the value of speech: Is it true? It is kind? It is needful? The result of this brief survey, Price discovered, was that only a few of his remarks passed the three tests. And that he admitted that when monitoring his own words, he missed the mark several times, even though he was consciously trying to measure the quality of what he was saying. "We are all walking around with a loaded gun between our teeth," he revealed, "and our tongues seem to love to pull the trigger."
"Remember," he concluded, "we are either healing or harming" with our words, spoken or written. "There is no in-between, so even in our humor we should practice harmlessness. Let's be builders of the new world through constructive words and creators of harmony with loving words."
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