My parents, shortly after they 1953

My parents, shortly after they 1953
Frances Mary Turri and Herbert Pompeii Pilato, in 1953, shortly after they married.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

I Was Not Born Into Money, But I Was Born Into Love

We all have different measures, levels, and definitions of success. For me? Success is living joyfully, prosperously, and generously; surrounded by good friends, family, and trusted colleagues, all of whom believe in, support, encourage and invest their time, and yes, sometimes, their money, into making our lives and associations work productively.
Let's be real: both love and money make the world go 'round. But it's about keeping it all in the balance, proper perspective, and priority and true understanding of what that all means; keeping your eye, the entire time, on the prize. But what is that prize? It's different for everyone, isn't it?
Again, for me, it was about moving to Los Angeles to become a "star," whatever that meant. As the years passed, "making it" in "Hollywood," became less important, while appreciating what really matters in life became more important. And I came to that decision after much trial and error; after many moves back and forth between my hometown of Rochester, NY and Los Angeles; after deciding to care for both of my parents in their elderly, ill years - and not doing that for any other reason other than I loved them.
There was no estate to inherit; no massive bank account from which to gain dividends, etc. I cared for them because I loved them. Pure and simple. And I don't regret one minute of it, even as I did so during a period in my life when a person is supposed to get married, have children, buy a home, secure and invest in a financial future. I did none of those things, and I admit it was to tough to watch as my friends did all of those things.
And so, now, here I am, all these years later; a writer, an author, a producer, a performer, an executive, and it's all happening for me. Sometimes, it takes longer for some than others to succeed. But at the same time, I have had a measure of success in every area of my life since the day I was born. I may not have been born into money, but I was born into Love. I may not have made all the right early financial decisions, but I made all of the right spiritual ones.
And I am the man today because of everything that has brought me to this moment, for better or worse. I consider myself a loving-kind, generous, intelligent, accomplished human being, who has been assisted in life by countless individuals, none of the least of whom have been my closest family members, my dearest friends, and a few cherished colleagues. I am who I am because someone, somewhere along the line cared about me and made me feel I was worth something to them - and the world.
Indeed, what a successful life I have lived and continue to live on a daily basis because of so many wonderful, beautiful souls. Blessings to each of those who have loved me, and taken the time to care for me and about me and my work. As I have said many times before, you all know who you are.